
Fast lane installation and use documentation.


Fastlane is the tool to release your iOS and Android application It handles all tedious tasks, like generating screenshots, dealing with code signing, and releasing your application.

Why should i use Fastlane?

  • Save hours every time you push a new release to the store or beta testing service.
  • Integrates with all your existing tools and services (170 actions currently).
  • 100% open source under the MIT license.
  • Easy setup assistant to get started in a few minutes.
  • Runs on your machine, it's your app and your data.
  • Integrates with all major CI systems.
  • Supports iOS, Mac, and Android apps.
  • Extend and customise fastlane to fit your needs, you're not dependent on anyone.
  • Never remember any commands any more, just fastlane.
  • Deploy from any computer, including a CI server


System Requirement:-

  • Make sure you have Xcode installed.
  • Fastlane requires macOS or Linux with Ruby 2.0.0 or above

Using the terminal

To install fastlane.

sudo gem install fastlane --verbose

Go to your iOS app and run it to initialise fastlane.

fastlane init

Add Python to PATH

Fastlane will automatically detect your project, and ask for any missing information.

Beta Deployment

To upload to appstore.

Building your app

Fastlane takes care of building your app using a feature called gym, just add the following to your “Fastfile” file in your project:

lane :beta do
    # match(type: "appstore") # more information:
    #gym # Build your app - more options available
      gym(scheme: “Your Projet Name“,
      workspace: “YourProject.xcworkspace",
      include_bitcode: true)

Try running the lane using:-

fastlane beta

If everything works fine, you should have a [ProductName].ipa file in the current directory.

Uploading App

After building your app, it's ready to be uploaded to a beta testing service of your choice. The beauty of fastlane is that you can easily switch beta provider, or even upload to multiple at once, without any extra work.

All you have to do is to put the name of the beta testing provider of your choice after the app using gym:

lane :beta do
    # match(type: "appstore") # more information:
    #gym # Build your app - more options available
      gym(scheme: “Your Projet Name“,
      workspace: “YourProject.xcworkspace",
      include_bitcode: false)

Fastlane automatically passes on information about the generated .ipa file from gym to the beta testing provider of your choice.


The following is the screenshot of Well Engineering app that uses fastlane to upload to App Store. Add Python to PATH

You can also send message on Slack when the app is uploaded by adding th following lines.

lane :beta do
    # match(type: "appstore") # more information:
    #gym # Build your app - more options available
      gym(scheme: “Your Projet Name“,
      workspace: “YourProject.xcworkspace",
      include_bitcode: false)
      slack(message: "Successfully distributed a new beta build")

Fastlane supports these beta testing services

  • TestFlight
  • Crashlytics
  • HockeyApp
  • TestFairy

Fastlane Commands

Some commonly used Fastlane commands:

  • sudo gem install fastlane --verbose - To install fastlane.
  • fastlane init - Go to your iOS app and run it to initialise fastlane.
  • fastlane beta - To upload to appstore.

There are various other commands and options available. For a complete list of commands, run fastlane help :

fastlane help

Getting help

For full documentation visit

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