App Distribution
Following are the possible way to distribute iOS app
AppStore Distribution
- udid required = NO
- Sign app with distribution profile - release in appstore and can be installed on access provided by developer devices
Testflight Distribution
- udid required = NO
- Sign app with distribution profile - invite testers, release in tesflight (beta), invited testers can install app on there devices
Ad-Hoc Distribution
- udid required = YES
- Add testers(client's udid) to add hoc certificate, sign the app with Ad-Hoc profile and export as Ad-Hoc, can be distributed outside AppStore eg. Diawi, Testfairy
In House Ad-Hoc
- udid required = NO -It is for enterprise distribution, it does not require device udid, app can be distributed outside AppStore without knowledge of devices and testers -it require enterprise account -Sign the app with Ad-Hoc profile and export as Ad-Hoc, can be distributed outside AppStore eg. Diawi, Testfairy