
Swiftlint is a linter. its a tool that will help us to identify parts of code that is not following community standards or our custom styling guide.

Why we use swiftlint

  • Consistency within a single project

  • Consistency between projects

  • Consistency across teams

To ensure all these consistency. We have a small swift style guide for our team but still we forgot to follow these rules. this linter will enforce you to follow style guide.


  • Using Homebrew
    $ brew install swiftlint
  • Using CococaPods Simply add the following line to your Podfile:
    pod 'SwiftLint'
    but we will use Homebrew method


We have two options to run swiftlint
  • Terminal go to project directory and type following command
    $ swiftlint
  • Integrate SwiftLint with Xcode Add a new "Run Script Phase" to your project's default target.
    if which swiftlint >/dev/null; then
    echo "warning: SwiftLint not installed, download from https://github.com/realm/SwiftLint"
    To add a new "Run Script Phase" select Target, Build Phases, click on + icon on top side and select New Run Script Phase


Now build your project.

Swiftlint will lint using default rules, if you want to customize the rule place a .swiftlint.yml file in project directory

we will use our Default swiftlint file. which is written on our swift style guide


Swiftlint has a feature of autocorrect, which comes handy to correct some silly mistakes in our code

to use this feature type following in terminal

$ swiftlint autocorrect

Some types of violation that can be fixes with autocorrect

  • Closing brace.
  • Colon.
  • Comma Spacing.
  • Opening Brace Spacing.
  • Trailing Newline.
  • Trailing Semicolon.

for more type following in terminal

$ swiftlint rules

results matching ""

    No results matching ""